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Featured Artist #5 - Interview with Juliana Garces

Writer: Ayjay Art Ayjay Art

Practicing as a visionary artist fundamentally means the exploration of the unknown, connecting at your spiritual core, with what it means to be a conscious human being. It takes courage to swim out into uncharted waters and not only witness what takes place but to collect your experience and return with a piece of truth and express it to your people.

Artist like Juliana Garces are doing the work to open us up to the wisdom that lies still and patient in each and every one of us. I have had the chance to chat with Juliana on a number of occasions, and it is very clear that she is a motivated and passionate artist, with big ambitions for the present moment and foreseeable future. We have briefly spent some time in virtual reality constructing artworks and have plans to collaborate on a digital painting together.

Artist Juliana holding 'The Infinite Self Plays the Game'
Juliana holding 'The Infinite Self Plays the Game'

This blog post, and like many other interviews I have conducted, gives us a glimpse behind the scenes and explores how artists like Juliana create their work. Juliana is led by the heart and creates stunning works of art that continue to remind and inspire us to trust ourselves and open up to that divine place within. Before we kick off our conversation let's take a look at the Juliana's biography to paint a clearer picture of both her mission and her message.

Artist Biography

Juliana Garces is a visionary on a mission to help raise the human collective consciousness through art. Juliana finds her visions through working with various spiritual practices. She hopes to inspire others to awaken to the infinite which already resides within them. A variety of her artworks can be found in galleries and exhibits such as the Orlando Museum of Art’s First Thursday, City Arts Factory, Foundation Studios, Level 42, and Osceola Arts. Juliana also enjoys teaching painting classes and sharing her passion for creating.

What in your life has pulled you towards the journey of an artist?

Juliana: "Growing up between Colombia and the United States, I felt stuck between Spanish and English. As a child, I became fascinated by how art could transcend language, and a visual could communicate to people in either country just the same. That initially drew me into art, but as I grew out of the language barriers I had as a child, I continued to be interested in how art can transcend words. Especially as I dove deeper into my spiritual practice, I began to use it to communicate experiences and realms which are beyond words."

Ayjay: "I couldn't agree more, art is a tool that can open up a conversation that is beyond what can be exchanged in words. We can express anything and universally it can be understood. Art is the visual language we all speak"

What does the word ‘Art' mean to you? 

Juliana: "Through my eyes, all is art. Source to me is the greatest creator, who beautifully paints samsara and beyond. Everything from the vibrant colours of a sunset to a smile is a majestic work of art by the entirety of the cosmos. I feel most in line with Source as I allow it to continue its creative flow through me."

Ayjay: "What a beautiful answer. We are surrounded by divine work extended from an artistic master, whatever that means to you and your truth. When I look up at the stars I feel the presence of it and although I haven't labeled what that is, I welcome a colourful life and witnessing the magic as it unfolds."

What motivates you as an artist?

Juliana: "I’m committed to doing my part to raise the collective consciousness of the world through inspiring artwork. I strive to create works that have a deep meaning and connect in important ways with the viewer. I’m heavily inspired by the sacred mystic experiences one can access through various spiritual practices and medicines. 

Ayjay: "I can definitely see this present in the artworks you create. What affirmed the importance of a deeper message in the artworks I create was inspired by the book "The Mission of Art" by Alex Grey. This book opened me up to what I wanted to share with the world and how starting to communicate my own unique message was what I needed to do."

When viewers see your work, what would you like them to think or feel? 

'Crystal Palace' By Juliana Garces
'Crystal Palace'

Juliana: "My goal is to create works that help the viewer to connect with the infinite within. To transcend the ego and lead them to the Light. To bring forward visions that for those who have experienced these realms, can again re-enter through the art. And for those who have yet to remember those realms, to be awakened to them.

Ayjay: "There is a certain level of amnesia linked to these realms for sure. I guess that's the real beauty in bringing back artwork to the people. A fleeting experience that we are blessed to not only have seen but return with a message from the divine.

Chris Dyer said to me one day that as artists we create bridges to the light. That statement deeply resonated with me. Collectively we are all working towards the same mission, to be completely free... to venture beyond feeling love and to be it"

Why should people invest in your artwork?

Juliana: "To invest in this art is to invest in the vision of a world of higher consciousness. A world where people have found peace within each other, the environment, the animals, and themselves. It is to invest in the path to a world where all are awakened to their infinite nature through the observation of these works, and love prevails. A world where our divine interconnectedness is an integral and sacred part of the culture.

Ayjay: "I can feel this shift starting to take place. People are slowly becoming more self-aware and removing their blindfolds and seeing colours for their true richness. It is through reminders like visionary art that take us back to the rawness of our nature and invite us to build once more from that place of origin. This is a liberating time to be alive for those of us courageous enough to see it"

If you could hand over one piece of advice to the artists of tomorrow, what would it be? 

Juliana: "The piece of advice I would give to another artist is to create as much as possible. Create every day, for as many hours as you can. The more you do this, the better your work will get. It is straight forward, an obvious tip, but really it is the most important thing. It is how you learn to hone your craft, find your voice, and express your vision.

Ayjay: "Great advice. Make art everyday, it is really that simple. People will often tell me that they would love to learn to draw. Then I say to them "How often do you practice?" they reply with "not at all". We improve on the things we repeatedly do, this is as true to art as it is with anything else in our lives. Don't be afraid to jump in the deep end... that's where all the gold is!"

Besides art, what do you like spending your time on and why?

Juliana: Aside from art, the other way I spend the majority of my time is in deepening my spiritual practice. Meditation is a key element in my daily life and a vital part of my art. Yoga, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, astral projection, working with medicines, practicing mindfulness, studying spiritual texts, chanting, and reconnecting with the natural world are all essential tools to my spiritual path. These practices directly inspire the visions I get for my art.

Ayjay: "A quote from Mahatma Gandhi that has never left me.

"I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one."

Without creating a strong connection with ourselves our life is fruitless. We must live our lives to be our greatest statement."

Anything else you would like to add?

Juliana: "The one last thing I would like to add is that my goal with my art is to inspire you to connect deeper with the love you already have within yourself. I want to inspire you to be the best version of yourself, and to want to help create a better world through compassion. I hope these visions can inspire that Light within you to shine a little brighter today."

Ayjay: "Another beautiful message to send out into the world. It has been an absolute pleasure digging deeper into your art and life. I wish you all the success in your quest as an artist and may you uncover more ways to fill your heart with love. Thank you Juliana!!"

Connect with Juliana.

Below are a series of links that will take you to Juliana’s social media channels and online art store to further support her and the artwork she creates.

Instagram // @julianagarcesart

Facebook //

YouTube // Juliana Garces Art



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